Saturday, December 7, 2013

Revisiting Me

In October, I went to a photography workshop in New Orleans……I had no idea what this trip would do for me.

In this blog, I am not a journalist, I will probably not use the correct grammar, but what I am is real, it is "Me".  I hope that this journey will touch you in some way.  Making a connection, touching on a nerve, saying what every else may or may not be thinking, and most of all…I am doing it for me.

I have taken several photography classes and workshops.  I have learned, and I am still learning, about the technical guts of my camera.  In each of these classes, I came out with something more than technical growth.  This "something", scared the hell out of me at first.  I began asking myself questions~  "Was anyone else feeling the way I was?"  "Are you nuts?"  "What is going on?"  That something was my soul.  At the time of my first class, I was coming out of a terrible relationship.  We have all been there…  But this was the first time I had really done something for me.  I was afraid of that, it was foreign, I felt guilty, I felt stupid, I was emotional, basically I was a mess.  My first class, away from home, away from my business, away from my norm.  The only thing that was normal, was staying with my daughter, Meriah.  Come to think of that… that wasn't even normal for me.  She always came home..but she was a rock, in a sea of waves.  Half way through this class, I felt a freeing…a weight lifted.  I didn't know what it was, but it felt good.  I was excited, energized, and felt like a better person.  A small step, but looking back, it was a hugemungeousgigantic leap!  See you learned a new word today!  No matter if you are baking cookies when you feel "this" or painting, surfing, sledding, whatever….it is something that I wish I could bottle and sell!

Have you ever felt that??  I can't tell my story in one blog post, but I hope that I can keep you coming back to this spot and feeling free to comment and share.

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